Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Just keep on swimming!

Swimming is my genes. I come from a family that has so much love and passion for swimming. Kieran first started swimming lessons the day after his 2 months newborn shots! I was so eager to get him in and turn him into a fish!
Isn't that too young?? Heck no! Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by as much as 88 percent among young children age 1-4, who are at greatest risk of drowning.

Before the age of 6 months infants have a dive reflex. When someone blows in their face they will open their eyes and hold their breath when submerged. It's amazing! By the time Kieran was 6 months he didn't need the blow anymore. He knew that after I counted to three I would submerge him. 

Now at 20 months old, Kieran can swim 6 feet face down from an island to the stairs. He can sit jump off the wall and do a small turn around back to the wall. Amazing what kids can do when given the chance to learn! 

If you haven't tried swimming with your little ones, I really suggest you do. I know most communities have a recreation pool that is affordable. And most private swim lessons have free trials. Give it a try! The parent and baby classes are a fun way to bond with your little one.

Most parents like to wait until they are old enough so sit through a class by themselves. From experience I wouldn't suggest it. When I was 16 I worked at a swim school for about 4 years. The kids who started as a novice swimmer at 3 years old were fearful and since they were able to communicate they were very stubborn when it came to submerging or moving away from the stairs. During my time as a swim teacher I remember most of my students who started in a parent and me class graduated within 4-5 years. At 5 most went off to join swim teams. Amazing right!!

I hope Kieran will love swimming and is passionate about it when he gets older.  I regret rebelling against my parents and quitting on swimming when I reached high school. Who knows maybe I'm raising the next Michael Phelps! A mama can hope right!! 

1 comment:

  1. Austin goes through phases where he loves and hates the water, this summer he loved it!! we are planning on starting aquatic therapy sometimes next year, after finish a couple of others! Cant wait!
